Physicists have long sensed that the usual picture of events unfolding as a sequence of causes and effects doesn’t capture the fundamental nature of things.
My ego is not tied to my “perfect” or “imperfect” work product. My ego is only tied to my attempts to do the best job I know how, and to learn from my mistakes, not the initial result of my work.
Under high stress, we enter a state of increased physiological arousal, inherited from the ancient world to deal with physical emergencies, results in reduce perceptual and cognitive capacities in specific areas.
How too much exercise can kill you, and what you can do to protect your heart.
A few words about what this book is about and the opposite.
You can also find something about alcohol in the book and the sources. Related to this subject.
Why should I root for some athlete whom comes from the same nation as me? Is the common language enough reason to do it? Does not that take us back into the dramatic darkness of the past?